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Syntegon strengthens educational partnerships with schools in the Crailsheim

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Syntegon strengthens educational partnerships with schools in the Crailsheim region


  • Cooperations with Realschule zu Flügelau and Mittelschule Feuchtwangen-Land
  • Partnerships to give students better career prospects in technical apprenticeships
  • Insights into the day-to-day operations of a mechanical engineering company
  • Visits to production facilities, job application training, and practical experience


Crailsheim, August 8, 2023. Syntegon continues to act on its commitment to education and nurturing the next generation. The processing and packaging technology specialists from Crailsheim have entered into two pioneering educational partnerships with local schools to offer students better career prospects and exciting insights into the world of technology and innovation. More are to follow.

The first educational partnership is with Realschule zur Flügelau. Syntegon and the school have the shared goal of improving students’ career prospects in the region and enabling them to explore the diverse opportunities of technical apprenticeships. The program includes company tours, presentations by people who work in various technical fields, and job application training designed specifically for students. The youngsters also gain their first practical experience in technical professions.

Expressing his enthusiasm about the partnership, Wolfgang Lehnert, principal of Realschule zur Flügelau, says: "We are very pleased to be working with Syntegon. This educational partnership gives our students valuable insights into the world of technical jobs and broadens their career prospects. The opportunity to gain hands-on experience in an innovative company is invaluable to them."

f.l.t.r: Principal Wolfgang Lehnert, teacher Kristina Roggenbrod, Syntegon human resources manager Laura Serges, and vice principal Anja Brückner

f.l.t.r: Principal Wolfgang Lehnert, teacher Kristina Roggenbrod, Syntegon human resources manager Laura Serges, and vice principal Anja Brückner


Syntegon has teamed up Feuchtwangen-Land secondary school in another educational partnership. The company and the school aim to work together to promote technical education at a young age. Once a year, an eighth-grade class visits the Crailsheim plant to experience the production facilities first hand and learn about day-to-day operations. Twenty-three students had already been to a career orientation at Syntegon in May. They attended a presentation on technical topics and learned about machines in the real world on the shop floor and in the virtual world.

Wilhelm Hintermeier, vice principal of Feuchtwangen-Land secondary school, and career guidance counselor Marion Binder are delighted with this alliance: "The educational partnership with Syntegon offers our students an excellent opportunity to learn about technical professions up close. The hands-on activities and insight into an innovative company open up new horizons, motivating these kids to cultivate their interests and skills in technical areas. We are grateful for this collaboration and the opportunities it provides to our students."

"High-quality education is the key to shaping a better future for our society and industry," says Ann-Kathrin Baumann, head of Human Resources at Syntegon in Crailsheim. "We are proud to enter into these educational partnerships and afford students opportunities to discover their talents. By getting them excited about technical and engineering topics at an early age, we hope to spark interest in promising careers and strengthen the local talent pool."

 Syntegon's educational partnerships with Realschule zur Flügelau and Mittelschule Feuchtwangen-Land are important steps towards sustainable cooperation between business and education. Syntegon is committed to establishing long-term partnerships that enrich the region’s educational landscape and open up promising prospects for students.

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Spokesperson Corporate Communications
Syntegon Technology

Patrick Löffel
Phone: +49 7151 14 2732 
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