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Supply Chain Slowdowns Don’t Stop Our Customers

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As many of us take weekly grocery store restock trips, you may have noticed that many food categories are experiencing supply chain stoppages and slowdowns. One week, the cabinet is full of cream cheese, the next, you are limited to one tub per customer, and the next, the shelf is totally empty. Unfortunately, those supply chain disruptions of food production may not slow down any time soon.

So rather than ineffectively working to get things back to the way they were, the most successful food companies have started to learn to navigate this new reality by including the new LFS Inline Filling Machine for preformed containers as part of their production improvements.

While we can’t stop the shortage of the product itself, we help our customers make sure there is little to no downtime for their food filling machines. The machines modular design accommodates the highest flexibility and adaptability to changing market demands such as product change-overs, total product replacement, and packaging redesign. This flexibility ensures that you can have a new item up and running as quickly as possible and get that product out to your consumers, while you might be waiting on your standard product to become available for filling.

Time is of the essence to keep your brand at the cutting edge of interest for customers. Consumers and companies are getting fed up and they will quickly build loyalty with whoever figures out the fastest, most consistent way to fill, cap, and seal their food products.

The LFS allows for easy retrofitting of modules and machine functions, (i.e. adding one or more dosing systems), enabling you to act fast and quickly adapt your machine to all of these changing market requirements as needed.

Become more agile and responsive to your consumers. Learn more about our newest LFS cup and container filling machine here.

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